1. Could you please provide a brief intro of your career/background?
I am a Classically trained actor. I’m lucky enough to have had a full and varied career in film, television and theatre. Most people know me best from BBC1 ‘Scarborough’ and ITV’s ‘Coronation Street’.
2. Why did you decide to store your baby’s stem cells?
Once I had researched the benefits to stem cell storage, to me it was a no brainer. There are so many benefits to storing babies cells, the fact that they are stored for up to 25 years is fantastic. Cells can be used to help restore, repair and regenerate almost any cell in the body. Which means they could be super useful to the donor and potentially other family members if needed due to disease or injury.
3. Had you heard about stem cell banking before? If so, where?
I wish I had! If I had known about the incredible benefits , I would have done the same for Alfie (my first born) which is why I’m so passionate about raising awareness now. So many people could benefit from stem cell storage. It saves lives on a daily basis.
4. What has your experience been like with Smart Cells?
Smart Cells made things as easy as possible for us. Bringing a new baby into the world is a joyous experience. Smart Cells was stress free and didn’t interfere with any of my birthing preferences at all.
5. Did the process work as you had expected it to? Did you find it to be an easy process?
Really easy. We informed our phlebotomist as soon as I went into labour. The phlebotomist was aware which hospital we were at and collected the stem cells straight after birth. He didn’t enter the room. The midwife took the samples to him. We were still able to do cord clamping after the birth for several minutes too – which was really important to me.
6. Are there any obstacles that would have prevented you from using our service?
No. I think it’s also fab that you have payment plans in place. To make things more accessible.
7. What would you say to a friend or colleague who was thinking of Smart Cells?
Do it! To me its invaluable. I hope that we never need to use it…but if we did, its there. It could be life saving. Its so easy to do. I feel quite reassured that we’ve done it.
8. Would you recommend this service to others? If so, why?
Yes. The list of benefits are incredible. Stem Cells can be used for so many different illnesses and injuries. Sometimes the cells can be used to help other family members too.
9. What would be your advice to any parents who are looking into storing their baby’s stem cells?
I’d let them know how easy it is! You don’t really have to do anything. Everything is finely organised for you. But you have the comfort of knowing the cells are there should you need them over the next 25 years.
10. Is there anything else you wish to add?
Read up! Once you realise the benefits – you won’t look back! It’s a no-brainer for us as parents.