Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development

Read more on how Smart Cells is working with The Health Professional Academy, helping connect Smart Cells to the health professional community via its integrated learning channel that drives stem cell awareness and education for our partners.

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After studying this Commercial Cord Banking CPD module, you should:

Understand what cord blood banking is and how stem cells may be used

Be aware of national guidance around the private collection of cord blood through a commercial provider

Gain confidence discussing cord blood banking with parents

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84% of healthcare professionals recommend Smart Cells*

*Based on surveys carried out in collaboration with The Health Professional Academy to UK Healthcare Professionals conduced from September 2022 to February 2024

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We support our Healthcare Professionals, to help their new mums and dads to understand what cord blood banking is and how stem cells may be used. Sign up to receive educational emails, as well as free print brochure and flyer.

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“Cord blood banking should be encouraged in both developed and developing countries to alleviate conditions that can be managed by stem cells”

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