You’re now a week into the second trimester of your pregnancy, and you’re probably feeling a lot better than you did in the first trimester. The second trimester is often called the “honeymoon period” of pregnancy because many of the uncomfortable early pregnancy symptoms like nausea and fatigue begin to subside.
During this time, your energy levels will start to increase, and you may even find that you’re starting to feel a bit more like your normal self again! As your body continues to change and adapt to accommodate your growing baby, you may start to experience some new symptoms. Read on to learn more about what to expect during week 14 of pregnancy.
During week 14 of pregnancy, you may start to notice some changes in your skin. Many women experience an increase in pigmentation, especially on their face, during pregnancy. This is sometimes referred to as ‘the mask of pregnancy’ and is due to increased hormone levels and is perfectly normal. However, if you develop any patches of skin that are itching, red, or inflamed, be sure to speak with your doctor as this could be a sign of a more serious condition called cholestasis. Some other common symptoms during this week include indigestion, heartburn and constipation.
By week 14 of pregnancy, your uterus has grown from the size of a grapefruit to the size of a cantaloupe! It’s now about two inches above your belly button and should start to become visible from the outside soon. Another change you may start to notice during week 14 is an increase in vaginal discharge. This is normal and nothing to worry about as long as it does not have a bad odour or contain any blood. If it does contain blood or has an unpleasant smell, be sure to contact your doctor right away as this could be a sign of infection.
By week 14, your baby is now about the size of a kiwi fruit! All systems are go inside baby’s little body! Your little one will be moving around a lot but it’s still a little early to be able to feel movements just yet. At 14 weeks your baby’s kidneys are also functioning and producing urine which passes into the amniotic fluid surrounding him or her where it will be recycled back into baby’s system….amazing!
Remember that if you experience any bleeding, strong contractions accompanied by pain, or fluid leakage call your doctor right away as these could be signs of preterm labour. Otherwise relax and try to enjoy this special time!
NHS Start4Life – https://www.nhs.uk/start4life/pregnancy/week-by-week/2nd-trimester/week-14/#:~:text=Your%20baby%2C%20or%20foetus%2C%20is,won’t%20feel%20it%20yet.