Congratulations on reaching week 34 of your pregnancy journey!
We’ve created a simplified guide for expecting parents at week 34 of their pregnancy.
At 34 weeks, your baby is about 45cm long, similar to the size of a cantaloupe melon. As your baby grows, they will have fully developed brains and nervous systems.
The process of your baby engaging or lightning in your pelvis is called “engagement” or “lightning”. You may feel less breathless and experience less heartburn as a result.
For better preparation for birth, consider taking antenatal classes, which are conveniently offered online, as they provide valuable insight into labour, delivery, and early parenthood, as well as an opportunity to connect with other expectant parents and healthcare professionals.
There are rights you have at work, such as risk assessments and breaks. During work hours, you are entitled to attend antenatal appointments.
Now is a good time to pack your bag and prepare ahead. So you won’t be caught off guard if your baby decides to enter the world early.
Your body may experience Braxton Hicks contractions during your pregnancy, which are similar to practice contractions. While they may be tight, they shouldn’t be painful. Contact your midwife if they become frequent or painful.
Discuss new-born screening tests with your midwife or doctor to understand their importance in detecting early signs of certain health conditions in your baby, ensuring timely intervention and treatment, and clarify any concerns or questions you may have about the procedures, benefits, and potential outcomes of these essential health checks.
Talk to your employer about creating a safe workplace. You should steer clear of lifting heavy items and it’s normal to require more frequent breaks and a seating area.
During the 11 weeks before your due date, you can begin your maternity leave. If you give birth early or suffer from a pregnancy-related illness four weeks before your due date, your leave will begin then. For any changes to your leave start date, you must give your employer 28 days’ notice.
You’ve experienced mood swings, morning sickness and food cravings. All of these are to be expected but can be prepared for and handled with control. Headaches and backaches are also fairly common during pregnancy.
It’s important to rest, but also to stretch and go for a walk during pregnancy. When you laugh, sneeze, or cough, exercise can prevent leakage. Keep your exercises gentle and light..
If anxiety arises, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Sharing your concerns with a professional or someone close to you is crucial. The presence of a midwife or doctor can be immensely reassuring during stressful moments.
Remember, each pregnancy journey is unique. For any queries or worries, always consult a healthcare expert.