You’ve made it to week 35 of your pregnancy!
Here’s an easy-to-follow guide we’ve put together for expectant parents in their 35th week of pregnancy.
Your baby is approximately 46.2cm long and is about the size of a honeydew melon.
Your baby is getting bigger, which will keep them at the right temperature.
You should still feel your baby’s movements as strongly and regularly as you have been feeling in the past couple of weeks, even though your womb is getting a little cramped.
In preparation for breastfeeding, consider buying a feeding bra and breast pads.
As your body prepares for nursing, you may notice yellowish marks on your bra, a sign of colostrum production. Early in pregnancy and the first few days postpartum, the mammary glands produce colostrum, often referred to as “liquid gold.” Colostrum is packed with nutrients and antibodies, essential for building the immune system of your baby. It contains a high amount of protein and little fat, making it easy for your baby’s developing stomach to digest.
Walking and stretching are also important during pregnancy. Exercise can prevent leakage when you laugh, sneeze, or cough. You should keep your exercises light and gentle.
Reach out for support if you experience anxiety. If you are concerned about something, you should speak to a professional or a close friend or family member. In stressful situations, midwives and doctors can provide reassurance.
It’s important to remember that every pregnancy journey is different. Whenever you have questions or concerns, consult a healthcare professional.
During your pregnancy, you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions, which are much like practice contractions. You shouldn’t feel any pain even if they are tight. If they become frequent or painful, talk to your midwife.
Backaches and headaches are also fairly common during pregnancy. You’ve dealt with mood swings, morning sickness, and food cravings. It is normal for these things to happen, but it is possible to prepare for them and handle them in a controlled manner.
To better understand newborn screening tests’ importance in detecting early signs of certain health conditions in your baby, ensuring timely intervention and treatment, and clarifying any concerns or questions you may have about the procedures, benefits, and potential outcomes, talk to your midwife or doctor.
At this stage of your pregnancy, you should stay clear of heavy lifting and any sudden movements.
Starting 11 weeks before your expected delivery date, you have the option to commence your maternity leave. Should you deliver prematurely or encounter a pregnancy-related ailment within four weeks of your due date, your maternity leave will automatically start at that time. If you need to adjust the commencement date of your leave, it’s necessary to inform your employer with a notice period of 28 days.
As previously recommended, the convenience of online antenatal classes can help prepare you better for giving birth, as they offer valuable insights into labour, delivery, and early parenthood, as well as the chance to connect with other expectant parents and healthcare professionals.
A doctor’s appointment for antenatal care can be attended during work hours.
Make sure you pack your bag and prepare in advance. As a result, you won’t be surprised if your baby arrives early.