Your pregnancy journey has reached week 37! You’re almost there now!
Anytime now could be your pregnancy week. So preparation is key. A birth plan is recommended and outlines parents’ preferences for labour and delivery.
This plan should be finalised as soon as possible. There may be decisions about pain relief, birthing positions, and who is present during the birth. Ensure that the hospital bag contains all the necessary items, including nappies, toiletries, snacks, and any other documents or IDs the hospital may require.
There is a good chance that you will give birth this week if you are carrying twins. It is rare for twin pregnancies to last longer than 38 weeks.
At 37 weeks, the baby has undergone remarkable development and is now approximately 48.6cm in length, roughly the size of a leek. This growth stage is not just about size; it’s also about the baby beginning to exhibit early signs of personality and responsiveness.
Your baby actively practises various facial expressions, such as frowning and smiling. Although these expressions are random and not yet linked to emotions, they are crucial for muscle development. They are a fascinating glimpse into the baby’s growing capabilities and interactions with the world they are about to enter.
Around 95% of babies are in a head-down position, ideal for labour. This causes the baby’s head to engage and the mother’s bump to drop, indicating the body’s preparation for birth.
As you approach the final stages of pregnancy, it’s crucial to be aware of the signs of labour. One of the first indicators can be the “show,” a mucus discharge signifying that the cervix is getting ready for labour.
Another sign is your waters breaking, which might manifest as either a subtle trickle or a more noticeable gush of fluid. You may also experience back pain, a common symptom caused by the baby’s head pressing against your spine.
Increased pressure from the baby on your bladder often leads to more frequent urination. The onset of labour is typically marked by contractions or a sensation of tightening around the bump, which are the uterine muscles preparing for the birthing process. These signs are your body’s natural way of signalling that your baby’s arrival is imminent.
You should seek support as soon as possible if you experience anxiety. The importance of talking to a trusted person or professional about your worries cannot be overstated. It can be very comforting to receive guidance and reassurance from a midwife or doctor during stressful times.
When in doubt, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.