Congratulations on reaching week 18 of your pregnancy! This is an exciting time for you and your growing baby. Let’s take a look at what this week has in store for you and your growing bundle of joy.
At 18 weeks pregnant, your uterus is now about the size of a small melon and is beginning to expand outside of your pelvis. You may have noticed that over the last few weeks, your waistline has grown even more! Your regular clothes may become tighter too, so now may be the time to invest in some maternity clothes if you haven’t already.
You may notice that your breasts are becoming larger, more sensitive and that your nipples are changing in appearance. This is all normal, as these changes are preparing your body for breastfeeding after birth. Another common symptom around this time is heartburn, if you’re experiencing severe heartburn, otherwise known as acid reflux, you may want to discuss this with your midwife as she may suggest some appropriate treatments and remedies.
By week 18, your baby measures about 14.2cm long from head-to-toe, weighs approximately 190 grams and is about the size of a sweet pepper! The ears are almost fully developed, allowing for hearing sounds from within the womb such as your heartbeat. At this stage in development, baby’s movements should be increasing with kicks, punches, somersaults and hiccups becoming more frequent too!
During week 18 it’s important that you stay vigilant regarding changes in physical activity such as intense headache or swelling, these could be signs of preeclampsia so contact your doctor or midwife immediately if they occur. It is also good practice to talk with friends who already have children – they often provide invaluable advice on how best to prepare yourself for parenthood during pregnancy.
Week 18 marks an exciting stage in pregnancy, both physically and emotionally, as both mum and baby both continue growing bigger every day! As your bump grows bigger why not use this time to get organised; start stocking up on nappies or put together a list of items you need for when the baby arrives. If there are any concerns regarding physical or emotional wellbeing don’t hesitate to contact your midwife or doctor straight away for advice on how best to cope with them during pregnancy. All in all, enjoy every moment because before you know it, your little one will be here ready to love and cuddle!