“As parents we try to provide, protect, and do the best we can for our children in any way. The idea of cord blood and tissue storage was a bit strange for us at first as we didn’t understand or saw a purpose for it. The idea of someone keeping a part of our baby was also never going to happen, but as we researched, understand, and spoke with other parents, we knew it was a no-brainer decision that we had to do and won’t regret!
Not only is cord blood and tissue storage for our baby, but it can also be used for us and our parents as well if a time is ever needed. Tho the idea of stem cell is still relatively new, with time we really have no idea where medical, technology, and science will be? So if we can do something now to ensure some safety for our loved ones in the future, then why not? 💕
Thank you Smart Cells Hong Kong
“Can’t believe how fast time flies! Looking back now on the day Hunter was born, we are so happy that we’ve made the decision to store Cord blood as we strongly believe that the science will keep evolving and discovering new methods and treatments. Like every parent, we hope to never use the stored cord blood. However, we like to think that by creating awareness and investing in cord blood we will be a small part of the effort to improve stem cell research and discover even more possibilities.
I hope no one ever needs to use this “insurance” and for all to be happy and healthy, but if the time comes for its use I know Smart Cells will be able to honestly and effectively assist me and the rest of the families.”