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Our Prices



Smart Cells pricing is as simple as possible while also offering exceptional value.
All costs and guarantees are fully transparent from the start, including processing, testing and shipping fees.


Smart Cells’ service is tailored to your birth and includes a dedicated customer service manager, access to global couriers, and processing and storage in a state-of-the-art laboratory near Heathrow Airport.


Select a plan 選擇計劃

Smart Choice

Cord Blood Only/ 臍帶血

  • No Additional Costs/ 絕無額外收費
  • Includes Collection and Sample Release/ 包括收集和將來運送費用
  • Pay now/訂金: HK$8,000
  • Balance/ 餘款: HK$22,000
Total $30.000
Use coupon MUM500 for £500 off +5 years free storage*

Cord Blood & Cord Tissue/ 臍帶血和臍帶組織

  • No Additional Costs/ 絕無額外收費
  • Includes Collection and Sample Release/ 包括收集和將來運送費用
  • Pay now/ 訂金:HK$12,000
  • Balance/ 餘款:HK$43,000
Total $55.000

What’s always included/ 服務內容包括

25-Year of Storage/ 25年儲存

Stem cell processing and testing/ 處理和化驗樣本

Dedicated Client Manager/ 專業客戶服務團隊支援

Storage in our pioneering lab located near Heathrow, London / 儲存在倫敦的實驗室

Option for 1:1 with Smart Cells, Scientific Director for your queries/ 科學總監一對一處理查詢

Certificate of storage/ 儲存證書

Specialised temperature controlled collection kit/ 提供具溫度控制的採集工具盒

Storage for multiple uses/ 不限使用次數

Dedicated courier to our laboratory/ 專用醫療運送團隊運送樣本

Free release and shipping to a transplant centre/ 在有需要時免費提取和運送到全球移植中心

Face-to-face or virtual meeting with Smart Cells Consultant for your queries/ 專業顧問上門或通過視像解答查詢

Personal liaison on your behalf with transplant centre/ 專業人員代表你與移植中心溝通

Maternal blood testing/ 產婦血液測試

Regulated by UK Human Tissue Authority/ 受英國人體組織管理局 (HTA) 持續監控品質

Still have questions? Check out our FAQ, or contact one of our friendly team.

還有疑問? 請查看我們的 常見問題解答,或 聯繫 我們的客戶服務團隊。



你或可致電我們的客戶服務團隊 +852 2613 8335 查詢及登記。




英國人體組織管理局 (HTA) 規定產婦必須同意收集臍帶血和臍帶組織。 我們有責任提供有關的風險、益處和選項的資訊,以便獲得同意。



寶諾為所有準備迎接多胞胎的家庭提供特別折扣優惠,請即致電 2613-8335 了解更多詳情。

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